How to setup Pop3 email account using Thunderbird

By | SEO Birmingham, Web Design Birmingham | No Comments

This Tutorial has been created because of the fact that we are inundated with clients always asking Evolvenet web design “How to set up a Pop3 Email account using Thunderbird” I hope it helps you set up a Pop3 email account within Thunderbird.

Step 1: – Bore we can start, you need to download Thunderbird

Step 2 – Click on view settings on the main menu.

Step 3 – Click on account actions.

Step 4 – Click on add mail account and then you need to fill in your details.

Step 5 – After filling in your details, you then need to click continue then click on manual config when it comes up.

Step 6 – Copy your email address into your username and then enter in your password. You then need to change your incoming to POP3.

Step 7 – You will then need to change your server hostame to mail.your domain i.e for example it could be “”

Step 8 – You will then need to choose your port number i.e 110.

Step 9 – You would then need to change your authentication to “normal password”.

Step 10 – Your SMTP Details can be provided by your ISP, I have attached a link below to see the different ISPs that you can choose. i.e. for example, we used You will then need to choose your port i.e. 25.

Step 11 – You will then need to click on create account.

Step 12- You may see a warning message depending on your security settings. Please tick the “I understand the risks” and click on “Create Account”.

Step 13- Your email account has now been set up on Thunderbird, and you should now start recieving your emails. You are now aslo able to send.

Congratulations on setting up your email account on Thunderbird.

This tutorial should be similar to as if you were to set up outlook express. However I will upload a separate video tutorial on “How to setup a Pop3 email account within Outlook”
When setting up your SMTP outgoing you will need to ask you network / broadband provider for their SMTP. Please use the following link as I have already searched and complied a default list: Click here…

Evolvenet web design Birmingham is your local and friendly company who are always willing to help you with your website needs. If you have a specific requirement then please feel free to request and we will try to deliver an easy to follow tutorial.

Will My Rankings Drop If My Website Goes Down

By | SEO Birmingham, Web Design Birmingham | No Comments

This post explains  the consequences of a site going offline and how that can negatively impact that site’s ranking in the Google’s search results.

Has your website ever gone down for short period of time and have you ever wondered how this would affect your rankings in google and other search engines. A site that temporarily goes offline for a short period of time, such as less than 24 hours, should be fine. But a site that goes offline for an extended period of time, such as 48 hours or more, may see their site delisted from Google’s search results – at least temporarily.

The reason should be obvious to most of you. Why would Google want to send a searcher to a website that isn’t working? Google rather send the searcher to a site that might not be as relevant but at least a searcher can see and read. You can also note  that when a site goes offline, Google will try to send those who are registered with Google Webmaster Tools a notification that there site is offline. These messages normally say something to the effect that GoogleBot is not able to access the site.

These notifications can help you ensure your site is up by informing the webmaster of any down time. For more information, please feel free to contact Evolvenet Web Design for more information about the Google Webmaster Toosl notifications that you might recieve.

What is SERPS?

By | Content Management System (CMS) | No Comments

If you’ve been doing some research on how Search Engine Optimization (SEO) can help improve your website’s performance, you’ve no doubt come across the word SERP. What is SERP and what does it stand for? It stands for Search Engine Results Page, which is the link to the Web page that populates when you type a keyword into a search engine and it returns a list of results.

The goal of any SEO campaign is to increase your rankings on a given SERP for a desired keyword phrase. So, in honor of the acronym that is so important to SEO, the following is a list of dos and don’ts that will help you get the rankings you want in the SERPs.

Select keywords you can rank for.

If your industry is web design, it wouldnt be a good idea to go for “Web design” or “Website Design”, as these keywords are very difficult to rank for and will take a time consuming campaign for your company to rank with these keywords. You need to choose keywords that your website can rank for and that will be bring targeted visitors to your website.

Earn quality links. One of the best ways to increase your ranking in the SERPs is to build a portfolio of high-quality links that point back to your site. Create great content that others will naturally want to link to and reach out to related websites that may be interested in linking to your site.

Research your competitors’ keywords. Are your competitors ranking in the SERPs for keywords that you want to rank for? Are they targeting keywords that you haven’t considered for your business? Research these keywords and think about how you might be able to apply them to your SEO campaign.

Prepare quality content. Content is king. Good content leads to natural links and search engines generally like to see at least 250 words on a page. Enusre that you have a variety of other content too, videos are a also a great technique to use for SEO. But content isn’t just for the search engines – it’s for your customers, too! Be sure to include content that will add value to your site from a customer perspective. The content is also very important, as this would help to ensure that your website has a high conversion rate.

For more information on how well your keywords are ranking in terms of Google, Bing and other major search engines, feel free to contact Evolvenet Web Design for a free SEO report.

Why should i use Google Places for my business

By | Content Management System (CMS) | No Comments

If you want to do just one activity that will take you approximately 5 minutes of your time and yield you the most customers for free, this is that one thing you should do. Immediately.

Some quick statistics to get our conversation started:

  • 53% of all Google searches are local or location based
  • Over 70% of mobile searches are local or location based

When does your location matter?

Easy: any time a person is trying to find a product or service close to where they are or based on its proximity to a location. For example, an web design company in Birmingham.

For location-relevant businesses these types of searches are the most important queries that you can hope to win. These queries aren’t you trying to beat out your nationwide or global position for search engine rankings, but are instead highly local-based and often immediate in their conversion from a query to a phone call or physical customer at your location. In some industries (such as restaurants) this conversion percentage has been found (for smartphone users) to equal 30% immediate conversions and 60% conversions within an hour, and 80% go on to eventually make a conversion.

30% conversions immediately and 60% conversions within an hour. These aren’t window shoppers, these are people that are immediately converting to become customers of yours. And guess what they’re using to conduct these local searches? Google Map on iOS (Apple) or Google via their Android phone. The top results are being pulled from Google Places.

Google Places is now Google+ Local
This part may be confusing, but Google used to have a service which is still operational called Google Places. You might have created your business listing in this service, it still exists, you can still edit your existing listings, and in fact you can create new listings.

This is not Search Engine Optimization (SEO)
To be perfectly clear, this is not search engine optimization. This is not part of your website, nor does it comprise of making the content in your website more accessible or optimized for search engines to spider. This is entirely about giving Google the best information possible about your business in their “yellow pages” directory, keeping the profile updated and active, and enabling Google to match queries with the best results. And when the query is a local or location-based search, Google will use this information before using standard search engine results (which is where your SEO might be a factor).

For more information, please feel free to contact Evolvenet Web Design in regards to Google Places and how we can help you set this up.

How to setup Pop3 email account on an Android device by Web design Birmingham

By | SEO Birmingham, Web Design Birmingham | No Comments

This tutorial will show you how to set up an POP3 Email account.

Step 1 – Select the email tab.

Step 2– After selecting the email tab, you will then need to enter your full email address and your correct password.  Then select manual setup – which would be on the right hand side of the screen.

Step 3 – it will then ask you on what type of account you would like to have. You can either choose between POP3 and IMAP. The main difference between the two is that the POP3 protocol assumes that there is only one client connected to the mailbox.
In contrast, the IMAP protocol allows simultaneous access by multiple clients. IMAP is suitable for you if your mailbox is about to be managed by multiple users. Click on POP3.

Step 4 – You willl then need to configure your incoming server settings. Firstly, you will need to enter your username and password. You will need to ensure that these are both correct. You will then need to replace “POP3” with “mail” in the POP3 server text box and then choose next.

Step 5– It will then check the incoming server settings, it will produce an error if any of these settings are incorrect, which would usually be either the username or password.

Step 6 – You will then  need to configure your outgoing server settings. For this section, the “smtp server” will be different depending on your mobile network provider.

Step 7 – For the port, you can use 587(Default), if this doesn’t work try port 25 which I have used for this tutorial.

Step 8 – Uncheck Require sign-in then choose next.

Step 9 – It will then check the outgoing server settings, it will produce an error if any of these settings aee incorrect.

Step 10 – When coming to the next screen, these settings are for your own preferences and can be changed later on when you set up the email. Then choose next.

Step 11- Your almost there. You will then need to enter a display name for your email.

Step 12 – When clicking next – it will then start to sync with your email account and after a few minutes, your emails will then start appearing soon on the screen.

Step 13 – Your emails should now started to come through, and now your emails have been successfully set up.

How To Share Your Google Analytics With Another User

By | Content Management System (CMS), SEO Birmingham, Web Design Birmingham | No Comments

1. Log in to your Google Analytics account. (Make sure your site was already added before so we can make use of the data.)

2. Select your website

3. On the upper right side of the page, you will see the “Admin” button. Click it.

Click on the Google Analytics Admin Button and then you will come across your websites. Select the website or property that you would like to share with another user.  Then you will need to select user management.

4. Click on the “Users” Tab & click on “+ New User

Click the Users Tab on Google Analytics

5. Add the email address (Google Account, Gmail email address)

– Select “User” if you just want him to have “Read Only” access to reports and he won’t be able to modify anything.

– Select “Administrator” if you want to allow him full access to your data. This will basically allow him to have access permissions like the owner.

– You can then choose to Notify them about this event by checking the checkbox below

– Click on the “Add User” button to finalise.

How to setup Pop3 email account using iPhone by Web Design Birmingham

By | SEO Birmingham, Web Design Birmingham | No Comments

Having trouble setting your emails on your iphone – well look no further than this post right here. It gives you a detailed explanation on the steps to take from the main menu all the way until the emails start coming through to your inbox.

How to set up emails on a Iphone Tutorial

Step 1. Go to settings and click on mail, contacts and calendar, this enables you to start the process of setting up your account.

Step 2. Click on add mail account.

Step 3. Click on one of the mail servers, if it isn’t added on the list, then click on “other” and click on add mail account.

Step 4. Enter your name, username, and password, these should match your email details. Your username should be your full email address.

Step 5. You would then need to configure your email details. For your settings, you can choose from either IMAP or POP3. Click on POP3. Then enter your host name and your username. Your hostname will usually be mail.domain and your username will be your email address.

Step 6. You woild then need to find out your hostname. Your host name will be provided from your mobile provider. i.e if your on orange – then the hostname would be It will always start with smtp. Your SMTP could be any one of the following depending on your mobile provider:


Step 7.) Verifiying your details. You will the need to wait as the account details will then need to be verified. You should ensure that all the details that you have entered are correct, otherwise it would produce an error about your mail server. If you get an error about not connecting using SSL, then you will need to select no. Please ensure that your WI-FI has been turned on.

Step 8. Saving your account. Your account has now been added to your mobile. Don’t forget to click save before continuing otherwise you will have to repeat the process again.

For more information, please see our video tutorial for more information.

How to setup Pop3 email account using iPhone by Web Design Birmingham


Bing Updates Deep Links Management

By | SEO Birmingham, Web Design Birmingham | No Comments

Microsoft Bing announced changes to the way they allow webmasters to manage their “deep links” in the search results, while Google has quietly added up to ten sitelinks for a navigational query.

Bing Deep Links Update

It has been announced that on the Bing Webmaster blog that they have updated the Deep Links management feature by removing features in order to make it more useful to webmasters. The features webmasters have access to now for managing “deep links” (Google calls them Sitelinks) include:

  • Block a deep link URL from showing up anywhere with a single action
  • Block a deep link only in a specific country/region
  • No more limitations to information about your deep links
  • Deep links blocks now expire after 90 days

For more information about this, then feel free to contact evolvenet web design for more information about how well your website is doing in Google, Bing and other search engines.

Don’t alienate youself by just concentrating on just Google. See our SEO projects now for more information.

How to Import Contacts From Outlook Into Thunderbird

By | Content Management System (CMS) | No Comments

If your business is moving away from Microsoft Outlook and migrating to Mozilla Thunderbird as your email client, you’ll be happy to know that your contacts can move with you. Both programs are compatible with Comma Separated Values, or CSV, files. Importing your Outlook contacts into Thunderbird is a two-stage process that transfers your contacts as a CSV file from one application to the other.

Export Contacts From Outlook

Step 1 –  Launch Outlook. Click “File” and select “Options” from the menu that appears. The Options window opens.

Step 2 –  Click “Advanced” in the Options window.

Step 3 –  Click “Export” under the Export heading. Outlook displays the Import and Export Wizard.

Step 4 – Click “Export to a File” in the Import and Export Wizard. Click “Next.”

Step 5 – Click “Comma Separated Values (Windows)” from the list of available formats under the “Create a File of Type” heading.

Step 6 – Click the contacts folder you wish to export. Folders are listed under the “Select Folder to Export From” heading.

Step 7 – Click “Browse” and navigate to the location on your computer where you would like to save your exported contacts. Click “OK” once you’ve selected a location. Make a note of where you save this file as you will need it again.

Step 8 –  Click the “Next” button in the “Export to a File” box and click “Finish.”

Import Contacts Into Thunderbird

Step 1 – Launch Thunderbird. Click “Tools,” then click “Import” from the drop-down menu that appears. Thunderbird displays the Import window.

Step 2 –  Click the radio button next to Address Books. Click “Next.”

Step 3 –  Click “Text file (LDIF, .tab, .csv, .txt)” from the list of available options. Click “Next.”

Step 4 –  Browse to the location where you saved your exported Outlook contacts and double-click on the CSV file.

Step 5 –  Click the check box next to “First record contains field names.”

Step 6 –  Click the “Move Up” and “Move Down” buttons to match the Outlook contact fields to those in Thunderbird.

Step 7 –  Click “OK” and then click “Finish.”

Bing Begins Using Percent Change Indicators

By | SEO Birmingham, Web Design Birmingham | No Comments

Bing has rolled out indicators that show the percent change for certain factors in their webmaster tools. This means that you can quickly compare past data with your current data and figure out the trend of your website whether positive or negative.

The indicators are very simple to use and they will make it easier to see just how drastically your website has improved or how drastically it has gotten worse.

Using the Indicators

In the Webmaster Tools you simply decide what range that you want to use for the indicators. You can look at the past 30 days to see how things have changed. You can also look at a few months together and you can go all the way up to a six month period of time. After you enter the range that you want to go over a series of percent indicators will appear on the screen.

The indicators feature an arrow pointing up for an increase and an arrow pointing down for a decrease. The arrow coupled with the bright green color or bright red color makes it very simple to see whether your site is improving or declining.

What Pages Is This For?

You can get percent change information for most of the pages that are indexed by Bing. If information for your page shows up in Webmaster tools you should be able to get percent change information on that page as well.

It should be noted that this feature was added to Google Webmaster Tools all the way back in October 2010 but it’s better late than never, and Bing users will probably enjoy this new feature and its simplicity.

For more information about Search Engine Optimization and about our services.

See how we can help to improve your rankings today!